27 February 2015

2014 - 4 Wedding Checklist


Fuhhh niat di hati nak update pasal baju tunang asyik tergendala je. Hahaha punya la malas nak transfer gambar dari hp ke komputer. Takpela nanti review tu semua aku buat sikit2. Bawak sabar ea. Sekarang ni nak update pasal checklist wedding dulu. Sebenarnya nak bagi ada entry untuk bulan februari ni. Yela esok last hari di bulan februari. Aku tengok entry untuk bulan februari takdok lagi hah. Hihihi

Ok this is it, aku sendiri tak sangka akhirnya ada checklist dah. But still long way to go maybe through time semua ni akan DONE. huu 

Checklist ni aku amik dari link di bawa

Time & Date
- Nikah : 7/8/2015
- Bride's Reception : 8/8/2015
- Groom's Reception :  PENDING

- Nikah : Rumah
- Bride's Reception : Rumah
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

- Nikah : After Solat Jumaat prayers around 3 p.m.
- Bride's Reception : 12.30 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

Kursus Kahwin & Legal Documents
- Kursus Kahwin (bride) : DONE
- Kursus Kahwin (groom) : DONE
- Thalasemia Test :PENDING
- Nikah form : PENDING
- Tok Kadi form : PENDING

Guest Count 
- Nikah : 150
- Bride's Reception : 800
- Groom's Reception : PENDING
Invitation Cards 
- Bride's Reception : DONE (Menuju Puncak Supply & Services)
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

- Nikah : PENDING
- Bride's Reception : PENDING
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

Wedding Cake
- Bride's Reception : PENDING
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

Wedding Guestlist
- Bride's Reception : PENDING
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

Event Itinerary (ATURCARA)

- Nikah : PENDING
- Bride's Reception : PENDING
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

Make Up Artist (MUA)
- Nikah : Miza Touch up Beauty (Junior masa sekolah menengah dulu)
- Bride's Reception : Zailin Andaman (Batu Berendam) - will put the link to the FB later
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

Pelamin & Decoration
- Nikah : Zailin Andaman
- Bride's Reception : Zailin Andaman
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

- Nikah(Bride) : Send to Mama Mr. Bobot (Dia tolong jahitkan :p)
- Nikah(Groom) : Send to Mama Mr. Bobot
- Bride's Reception(Bride) : Zailin Andaman
- Bride's Reception(Groom) : Zailin Andaman
- Groom's Reception(Bride) : PENDING
- Groom's Reception(Groom) :  PENDING

Wedding Henna

- Nikah : Takde inai ukiran. Just kena cari inai daun je untuk pakai di jari.
- Reception : Same as above

Wedding Shoes
- Bride : DONE
- Groom : PENDING

Bridesmaids/ Best-man
- Nikah (Bridesmaids) : PENDING

- Nikah (Bestman) : PENDING

- Bride's Reception : PENDING
- Bride's Reception :PENDING

- Groom's Reception : PENDING
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

Hantaran & Items
- For him : PENDING

- For her :
Hantaran & Decorations 
- For him : PENDING
- For her : PENDING

Official Photographer (OP)
- Nikah : Nazuan Roslan Photography
- Bride's Reception : Nazuan Roslan Photography
- Groom's Reception : PENDING
Post Wedding : Nazuan Roslan Photography

Wedding Favors & Doorgifts
- Bride's Reception : PENDING
- Groom's Reception : PENDING

- Nikah : Zailin Andaman
- Bride's Reception : Zailin Andaman
- Groom's Reception :  PENDING

- Bride's Reception (PA System) PENDING
- Marhaban : PENDING
- Groom's Reception (PA System) : PENDING

-Road Signage : Menuju Puncak Supply & Services
-Signage : Menuju Puncak Supply & Services
-Bunting : Menuju Puncak Supply & Services
-Guestbook : PENDING
-Canvas : PENDING
-Bunga Manggar : PENDING
-Transportation : PENDING
- Accomodation (Homestay) : PENDING


So boleh nampak banyak pending lagi kan. Padahal tak lama lagi dah pun majlisnya. Aishh takpe slow2 kita buat ye. Nanti aku update mana yang dah. 

Updated : 30/04/2015 


  1. perghhh berpinar mato den baco.... poning jap... byk lg yg kosong tu... x lama dah tu.. kalu ade yg aku boleh tlg mntk aje.. special sikit tuk ko sbb dekat hahaha.. org lain x dpt den nk nolong eh

    1. hahahaha kannn. aku pun stress tak tahu nak setel mana dulu. huhu tq teha insya Allah nnt klu ada pape nk mntk tlg aku gtaw ko.

  2. dup dap dup dap...hehe mesti x debor lg sbb tgh pening2 lalat nak handle everything kan..hihi...gudluck syg..:)

  3. aikkk..macam mane boleh xattend kursus kahwin lg nih? tp dgr kate da naek harga eh?

    ptt mase awak pegi dulu heret skali bawak die ikot skali. hehehehehehe

    1. sy pergi masa belajar dlu dgn kwn2. uitm ada buat kursus kawen murah tu yg xdpt pergi dgn encik tunang. dia terpaksa la pergi dgn housemate dia, hehe yup kat kl dh naek jd rm120 xsilap. tp kat tampin encik tunang nk g amek ni x naek lg still rm80. tmpt lain x sure.

  4. Satu event yg begitu teliti dan terancang...
    Doa hamba semuga berbahgia hingga ke Jannah...
    Jangan lupa jemput hamba merasa nasi minyak fira..
